Celestion Seventy 80, characteristics and opinions of this speaker

Celestion Seventy 80, undoubtedly an underrated speaker, unfairly compared to Greenback, Vintage 30 or other high-end speaker, we tell you characteristics and opinions of this mid-range speaker that gives more than many assume.
Celestion Seventy 80: Are They Bad Speakers?
The Celestion Seventy 80 or G12P-80 are one of the most criticized speakers on the market. There are two simple reasons, they are not high-end speakers and they are the stock speakers that come in several very popular equipment from both Fender, Marshall and Vox.
In this note we will look at the pros and cons of the Celestion Seventy 80, its features, opinions and we will see why they are so underrated and we will answer the following question: Are Celestion 70/80 speakers really bad?
Celestion Seventy 80 or G12P-80 Speaker Cabinets and Amplifiers
There are many amplifiers on the market that come equipped with a Celestion Seventy 80 or G12P-80 speaker. In some cases, they are not labeled Seventy 80, as is the case with the Celestion VX12 Custom that comes in the AC4C1 with a 12-inch speaker. Let’s look at the top guitar amps that come with this speaker:
- Marshall DSL20C and the DSL40 of the first version -the new one has V-Type-.
- Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III, Hot Rod Deville 212 III and Mustang IV
- Vox AC4C1-12

There are also several models of speaker cabinets equipped with Celestion Seventy 80:
- Marshall MX112, MX212R and MX212A
- Marshall Origin212 and Origin212A
- Fender Super Champ SC112
The Secret of Speakers: Break-in the speaker?
Many guitarists find that Celestion 70/80 speakers start to sound good or decent once they are broken-in and its sound gets softened and round. With break-in, the highs are softened and the speaker audio sounds “rounder”. But the reality is that the differences between a broken-in speaker and a new one are subtle. So if you don’t like the new speaker, you won’t like it broken in either. If you like the way your speaker sounds new, you will also like it broken-in.

Celestion base midrange speakers
The Celestion 70/80 are used in the mid-base lines of the major amp brands. Typically, generic brand or generic Celestion speakers are used in entry and mid-level amplifiers. For the mid-ranges, the Celestion Seventy 80 are used if you are looking for a British or American “hot rod” audio, although sometimes the V-Type are also found. Finally, for the higher ranges, although you can find a V-Type, usually the top line of Celestion is depending on the character you are looking for: Greenback G12M, or Vintage 30 or G12T75 among others.
This serves as a reference to understand the level of not only quality, but also the audio of the Celestion Seventy 80.
Celestion Seventy 80: Character and Characteristics of the Speaker
The Celestion Seventy 80 is a loudspeaker of British character or type. If you compare the frequency curves with other classic Celestion speakers, as you might expect it doesn’t have a clear resemblance to either. If we want to bring it closer to a model, maybe in the mids and lows we can bring it closer to the Greenback but in the part of the mid-high and high curve it makes a big difference. This totally changes the speaker’s response. In the treble part, it is a bit closer to the G12T75, but the mids and bass are very different.
This demo recorded on the Marshall DSL40 is an excellent reference to the Seventy 80’s audio over Celestion’s older siblings: The Greenback, G12T75, and Vintage 30.
What amps to use the Celestion 70/80 on?
In our very personal opinion, the Celestion Seventy 80s shine on amps with good mids and overdriven audio, so at Fender, we prefer them on Tweed-type amps. Another excellent option is in Marshall amplifiers, as you can hear in the video above, especially if you are looking for modern audio. In Vox equipment, it will depend on what type of audio you are looking for, if you are looking for a brighter audio, such as Top Boost, they can go well. But if you’re looking for classic Normal channel audio like Brian May, they aren’t the right speakers.
Opinions: what settings do the Celestion Seventy 80 work best with?
70/80 speakers perform better the more volume and saturation they have. This does not mean that you cannot get good audios with low volumes or clean audios or with a soft crunch.
They gain a lot of character in 2×12 cabinets, since not having a great bass level, a large cabinet balances their equalization well.

Why are so many amp manufacturers using 70/80 speakers?
The main reason many guitar amp manufacturers choose these speakers is clearly cost. The Celestion Seventy 80 speakers are one of Celestion’s cheapest models. However, they do their job more than decently. Clearly, they are not the best speakers, and it is logical that they lose the duels against others that are worth practically double. That’s exactly where the mistake lies, pretending that a $ 69 base mid-range speaker performs the same as a $ 145 one like the Celestion Vintage 30 or the $ 138 Creamback.
Choosing the correct speaker for an amplifier is absolutely essential. We would always spend whatever it takes to put up the best speaker, regardless of the value of the amp. However, our take on the Celestion Seventy 80 is that for what it’s worth it does its job excellently.
Celestion Seventy 80: Specifications

- Size: 12 ″ inches, 305mm
- Power rating: 80 watts RMS
- Available: 8Ω or 16Ω Ohms
- Sensitivity – 98dB
- Magnet type: ceramic
- Magnet Weight 3: 1 oz, 0.88 kg
- Frequency range: 80-5000Hz
- Unit weight: 6.8lb, 3.1kg
“One of our best-selling products, this 12-inch guitar speaker meets the expanded frequency range often requested by the new generation of amplifier manufacturers. The Seventy 80 is detailed and sharply defined, with an aggressive upper midrange and tightly controlled low-end. The response of the top-end or treble is also subtly increased. Used individually, twos or four, it is capable of reproducing a wide range of sounds and styles while adding the undeniable Celestion character to any amp.”
Celestion website
How much volume is the 70/80?
As the specifications mark, the Celestion 70/80 has a sensitivity of 98 dB, which is relatively low. This means that you will need more power to achieve the same volume level or sound pressure level -SLP- than other more efficient speakers. This will allow you to drive your rig faster than using a Celestion Vintage 30 that has 100 dB. While this 2 dB change doesn’t seem like much, every time you turn up 3 dB it’s equivalent to doubling the power of the amplifier.
Celestion Seventy 80: Opinion
As we stated above, the Celestion Seventy 80 is one of the most underrated and underrated speakers on the market. One of the reasons is its great exposure, as it comes in good quality amps. Added to this, they are then compared to other Celestion models that are twice the price, such as the V30, Creamback or G12T75, among others. However, they are speakers that sound great for their value.
Do we recommend buying a Celestion Seventy 80?
We recommend buying a 70/80 only if your budget is limited and you have a device with marked mid frequencies and that you will use mostly for well saturated or modern audios.
For more information on the guitar, visit Celestion web site.
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Related Posts: Tips: How to choose the right speaker for your guitar amp and Review of the Celestion Vintage 30.